Blessings to you in the coming year.
Image taken during yesterday's snow in the upper Midwest. Photograph © 2007 James Jordan.
A vision is like a lighthouse which illuminates rather than limits
Until someone figures out the camera tricks we’ve employed and the fog and snow clear away, revealing the truth that was there all along.
The saddest victim is the person who successfully fools himself.
Photo: A perfect world. Composite photo taken in fog. Click on picture to enlarge. Photograph © 2007 James Jordan.
Mr. Lettera recorded his work and recently released it on DharmaSound, an internet label based in
Mr Lettera contacted me a few weeks ago asking permission to use my photograph Into the Sun (above) as cover art for his CD. He discovered the photo while searching Flickr, where I cross post many of my pictures. Once I understood how he was distributing his work, I readily agreed.
The Wizard of Oz is a richly orchestrated, multi-textured work in six movements. The entire work can be downloaded along with artwork for a CD label and CD sleeve. Lettera’s two previous albums are also available at DharmaSound, along with works by a number of other artists.
Who knows? I may have just solved your holiday gift giving for everyone on your list.
Click on pictures to enlarge. Into the Sun © 2007 James Jordan.
A traveler through this life collects photographs of and shares words about the points of light discovered along the way.
My photo gallery on Flickr
Want to take better pictures? Read some of the secrets behind my photos at Ready, Aim,Click.