A faux classic mishmash of architectural styles at a local shopping center. But it sure stood out from the sky.
Lesson: If you have to look bad, at least be bold about it.
Happy Limerick Day: Today is Limerick Day, in honor of the birth date of Edward Lear, the creator of the classic five-line poem.
So to help celebrate, I've come up with a limerick about photography:
A photographer wanted a picture
Of cement workers mixing their mixture.
He leaned close to the bin,
But then he fell in.
And now the poor chap is a fixture.
Photograph © 2009 James Jordan.
Not only are you a photographer... You are a poet!
That is a darling limerick....
I had to chuckle out loud....HaHa
that is a beautiful shot. It really looks like your are at the same high at this clock tower. Great work
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