A lonely tree has some skybound companions to keep company.
Last Friday, the sky in northern Illinois put on one of the best shows I've seen all year. The sky exhibited a complete range of moods -- from feathery strokes to puffy cotton balls to ominous masses. A brisk wind moved the parade of water vapor along at a fast pace, changing the panorama minute by minute.
I had a scheduled commitment for the day, but it fell through and I found myself with a wide open calendar page. I spent a good portion of the day taking photographs featuring the shifting skies.
The Mother's Day tulip picture was taken at about 1:00 in the afternoon under wispy clouds. I usually avoid taking pictures midday because of the harsh light, but shooting up at the sky through backlit blooms made for a good exception to the rule.
This photo was taken later in the afternoon. It's a tree on a berm adjacent to a shopping mall parking lot. A pro photographer with whom I worked as a photo buyer/art director a number of years ago had a slogan, "Simple pictures are best."
I agree. Have a good Monday.
Photograph © 2009 James Jordan.
Most excellent ~~
Reminds me of the Psalm with the tree planted by streams of water that flourishes....
This is a beauty. Those clouds are indeed good company for the lone tree.
Simple, near nihilistig pic. Bit puzzled by horizont, looks almost accidental slope. Maybe would be better to slope the tree? Vignetting is bit too much, lil less would do. Still quite nice photo, better than mine this week for sure. Happy TC!
Lovley composition. Love the line that is not straight. I would like very much to have been there to see the sky change over the day.
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