So it looks like Photoshop will have to do.
Original photo: Sunset, Egg Harbor, Wisconsin. Eclipse created with elliptical selection tool and clone stamp. Click on picture to enlarge. Photograph © 2008 James Jordan.
A vision is like a lighthouse which illuminates rather than limits
If you have a Japanese beetle problem the best thing to do is to spray affected plants with chemical products available at most home stores, such as Sevin, Bayer Advanced Multi-Insect Killer Concentrate and Ortho Bug-B-Gone. Pheromone-activated beetle traps can be used to good effect – a neighbor has captured and disposed of several plastic bags full of the insects over the past week or so.
This is also the time to treat your lawn to kill the grubby offspring that the bugs are producing. Milky spore powder will kill grubs and eggs before they become a problem next year.
So my daughter, who is getting married in a year and who has decided to do nearly everything by her(our)self(ves) - and cheap - had a plan for obtaining her wedding gown. The plan involved getting up at four in the morning and driving to Chicago to participate in the Running of the Brides at Filene's Basement.
So a team of seven (including dad), waited outside the store on Friday morning for our chance to grab, bargain and barter with 1200 other people for a chance at one of 275 wedding gowns - many of them priced at just $249. Firmly positioned in the middle of the pack (the frontrunners had arrived the night before to camp out on the street), we discovered that the racks were cleared out probably before we even got to the door.
Two hours later, we had begged and bartered our way to "the gown."
I had often seen news clips of the mayhem that is the Running of the Brides on TV, but never dreamed that I would actually participate in one. I actually got to take some photos and shot enough video to put together a five-minute clip of our adventure.
One more item for the bucket list, I guess.
So what did you do this weekend?
Note: My apologies to those who have commented on this post - an editing accident wiped out all of the comments. Bad Blogspot! Bad!
A later note: The comments are now back. Good Blogspot. Good!
Have a great weekend.
Photo: Twilight,
A traveler through this life collects photographs of and shares words about the points of light discovered along the way.
My photo gallery on Flickr
Want to take better pictures? Read some of the secrets behind my photos at Ready, Aim,Click.