The thing I love about making photos with my trusty black foam board background is how it reveals the light on the surface of subjects. This image is all natural light, no flash or reflectors. The plants themselves look no different with or without the black backdrop, it’s just easier to see the light when distraction are removed.
There’s a lesson in there somewhere.
Photo blogging: Last week I featured a photographer who brings live animals into her studio to create a strange juxtaposition of the natural and synthetic. Sara Remington has posted something similar but different. She explored a natural history museum display under construction. Plastic wrapped gazelles sit within realistically painted backdrops. Stuffed animals coexist with construction equipment.
See for yourself.
Update: This photo of a seashell in sand was chosen as a weekly favorite at Moody Monday for their theme, "Beach." Not bad for a pic staged and shot on my dining room table.
Click on image to enlarge. Photograph © 2008 James Jordan.