Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Queen Anne’s lace and fall poplars
Click on picture to enlarge. Photograph © 2007 James Jordan.
Shell Wildlife Photographer of the Year winners released. The Shell Wildlife Photographer of the Year Competition aims to find the best wildlife pictures taken by photographers worldwide, and to inspire them to visionary and expressive interpretations of nature. Here’s a look at some of the winning photographs.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Katydid OK for herself

She made it this far, through the days of warmth and sunshine to this juncture between summer and winter. Her time is short, but she has accomplished what she set out to do, which was to live long enough to keep the species going.
We’ll hear from her kids next year.
Click on picture to enlarge. Photograph © 2007 James Jordan.
Wild and lucky, that's me. I've had a photo selected as a favorite at the Moody Monday photo challenge for the second week in a row. Two weeks ago, I apparently captured the essence of the word "lucky." Last week, I scored with a depiction of "wild." We'll see if I can add "lazy" to my resume this week.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Making the turn
Like the sunset sky that blazes with fire before the blackness of night sets in, the trees put on their own sunset display before releasing their leaves to die.
Yet hope is retained through it all. All around are faint promises of the spring to come on the other side of winter.
Click on picture to enlarge. Photograph © 2007 James Jordan.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Autumn's Hope
A combination of a poem by a co-worker, the music of a friend and images by me. Enjoy.
Copyrights as per their respective creators.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Photograph © 2007 Jamers Jordan
Monday, October 22, 2007
Michigan leaf

This leaf was captured on film subsequent to that beautiful Michigan autumn morning, its shape mimicking the outline of the state that I called home for more than three decades.
And, as I discovered over the course of the last several days, it's still home.
Click on picture to enlarge. Photograph © 2007 James Jordan.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
There are things that will last long beyond the time that I spend on this planet. There are people that I will have met and enriched in some way or another. There are my children and the things that I was able to instill in them as they make their own way in this world. Then there is my work and whatever meaning those who view it may take from it. I'm scattering those things like seeds upon the earth in the hopes that those things will live long after me.
Click on picture to enlarge. Photograph © 2007 James Jordan.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Where the road may lead

Sure, I knew this about the important stuff, but it often gets drowned out in the mundane noise of the everyday. My wife and I have returned to Illinois following the passing of my father to take care of some of that mundane stuff. Then we will return to our family in Michigan to get down to some really important stuff.
I may be lax in posting over the next few days, but things like that happen when you’re taking care of really important stuff.
Thanks for the kind words of sympathy. I appreciate them very much.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Flowers for my father
Septic shock occurs when the body fights a large scale infection, putting all its resources to the task of eliminating the intruder. Unfortunately, this comes at the expense of healthy tissue and organs, and they are either neglected by the circulatory system, attacked by an immune system gone wild or both.
The doctors and critical care unit did everything to give my Dad every fighting chance, but early this morning, he lost a four-day fight against time and himself as the shock destroyed his lungs' ability to keep his battered body going. Last evening, he was alert and responsive as my mother, my siblings and I gave him our love and encouraged him to keep fighting. We are a fortunate family to not have any outstanding issues between our parents or each other, which freed us to focus all our care and concern on my father throughout his illness. He turned 71 while in the hospital. He and my mother would have celebrated 50 years of marriage in a few days.
He will be cremated and we are considering spreading his ashes in many of the outdoor places he loved in
And one of many, many things for which I am thankful.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
That restless feeling

Funny thing is, I’ve felt that same restlessness from time to time, and felt the urge to just … move. Move from jobs, relationships, situations. Sometimes the winds blew just the right way and I acted on that restlessness. Other times, I stayed put. Sometimes it’s a tricky thing, deciding whether to go or stay.
There's a kind of a restless feeling and it catches you off guard
As we gaze off at the distance through the trees in my back yard
I can feel that restless yearning of those geese as off they roam
Then trade that for a warm bed and a place I can call home
Gordon Lightfoot, “Restless”Click on picture to enlarge. Photograph © 2007 James Jordan.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Sunrise at Jelke's Creek

Jelke’s Creek is a waterway that meanders through the nearby village of Sleepy Hollow. Much of the land surrounding the creek is a nature preserve and bird sanctuary. I made my way out there one morning last weekend.
This photo is another blended shot of two exposures of the same scene, taken as the sun appeared over the treetops in the distance.
Click on picture to enlarge. Photograph © 2007 James Jordan.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Reflections on a small pond

Click on picture to enlarge. Photograph © 2007 James Jordan.
Photo blogging: It’s a small world after all
Nikon has announced their winners in their Small World photography contest, comprised solely of photographs from powerful light microscopes (think WAY stronger than the ones you used in science class). Think Hollywood cgi is fantastic? Take a look at the craziness that is called reality.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
I've said before that in any endeavor, if you do the things that 90 percent of those who have tried the same thing will not or cannot do, you'll find yourself in the top 10 percent.
And that's a pretty nice place to be.
Click on picture to enlarge. Photograph © 2007 James Jordan.
Friday, October 05, 2007
In the pink
As of this posting, the total number of photos had just surpassed 14,000. I've posted the above photo as well as this one to the pool.
Check it out. Great photos and a great cause. And if you happen to have a photo featuring pink, consider posting it to the pool.
Photograph © 2007 James Jordan.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Autumn reflection

The photo was copied, flipped, pasted beneath the original and rendered as a watery reflection, then an Orton effect was added.
Click on picture to enlarge. Photograph © 2007 James Jordan.
Photo blogging

From flooded quarries and cranberry bogs to freezing Alaskan waters and Elvis's swimming pool, Alex took a unique array of photographs. The result is a collection of 150 imaginative photographs in the book American Waters, depicting the amazing variety and astonishing beauty of underwater worlds unseen by most people in their lifetime.
A description of the project by the photographer and some sample photos can be seen on Alex Kirkbride’s Web site.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The occasional encounter with solitude is not a bad idea. To throw off the electronic tethers and be free from their clinging grasp for a while. To search for things that are truly important in life. To recalibrate. To recharge.
Seek wilderness.
Click on picture to enlarge. Photograph © 2007 James Jordan.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Click on picture to enlarge. Photograph © 2007 James Jordan.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Two worlds

Composite day/night photo. Photograph © 2007 James Jordan.