This blog carnival is all about pictures. Life rushes by us all in a torrent of moments. Taking a photograph is nothing more than capturing one of those fleeting moments as it goes by. It’s taking a handful of water from a fast running stream. Look into it closely enough and you can see yourself.
Many thanks to all of those who shared their preserved moments for this photography carnival. Special thanks to The Success Coach at For Your Success for sponsoring the carnival.
Thanks also to Kilroy_60 for getting this entire series of carnivals started. It’s been a pleasure acting as your host.
Take some time to visit each blog listed below and be sure to let them know you saw their posts on the GONZO Photography Carnival.
So without further ado, here are the moments of time you’ve chosen to share:
The Success Coach at For your Success sends us Picture Your Business Being More Successful.
Kilroy_60 at Fear and Loathing – The Gonzo Papers shows us the fiery end of the day with My Most Recent Sunset Safari.
Phil J at Feelingstoopid shares some gifts courtesy of his friends with his post What I Won
Brian at Truth Is Freedom shows us the power of the seas in Spin Cycle.
Jules at Crewe Blog sends this photo, right, of himself vintage 1995 – Jules Away
at Oxford.
Alicia Poon at Penning by Photographs shares this photo of Eric.
Naomi at Diary From England shares some very special Happy Childhood Memories.
JAM at Least Significant Bits offers a look at a special person and places in Picture Post, Sunday November 5, 2006.
Anthony at The Lives and Times of … Anthony McCune shares a photo of something you often hear about but very rarely experience in A True Story.
The Gatekeeper at Pieces of Me shares a picture and story of the special people in her life via her post Sweet Jungle Romance.
Heather at Beautiful British Columbia gives us a glimpse of someone special … HUGO the Cool Dude!
Janey Loree at Mustang ‘n’ Cowboys shares her love of horses and the two men in her life with her post, Mustang ‘n’ Cowboys.
Eric at Eric Has Issues takes us back to the Christmas holiday with Day 25: Merry Christmas.
NMOTB at New Mom on the Blog shares a side of her that her husband seems to appreciate in Silly Photo Courtesy of Mr. NMOTB.
Gheorghe Milas at emilas.com treats us to a view of a young Ice Skater.
Allen Steadham at Interrace Haven presents a series of wintery shots with More Pictures from Ice Central.
Friday’s Child at Friday’s Child offers a trio of photos in My Little ‘Chopin.’
Cedarwaxwing at Clutch Cargo Lips gives us a candid look at her brother-in-law in her post, David.
Don’t stop here! There’s another blog carnival going on today – The GONZO Poetry Slam at Poets Who Blog. Be sure to check it out!