Friday, March 26, 2010

Hello, Dewey

Meet Dewey

More from yesterday's early morning communing with nature. Hoping to capture some more signs of spring this weekend.

Photograph © 2010 James Jordan.


Anonymous said...

you have great images here!

ryc: as for bouncing the flash off a wall for low light outdoors...i can't bounce it off a wall...there is no wall nearby. i will have to learn that there won't always be a wall nearby when i take photos outdoors (i.e. when i take photos of my subjects/people with a sunset or santa monica pier or something on the las vegas stripe or other neon lights) in the background.

Wanda said...


Scott Law said...

Great big drops on a tiny flower - very beautiful. I really like the drop that is just about to fall off, and the reflections in those lower drops. Great job.