Sunday, September 21, 2008


This is the time of year that the monarch butterfly makes one of the most remarkable migrations in the animal kingdom. Monarchs in eastern North America are currently in the process of migrating from Canada to their winter home in Mexico (western North American monarchs overwinter in southern California. Many butterflies follow the shoreline of Lake Michigan southward, then navigate over inland waterways to the Mississippi River, some traveling a journey of more than 2,500 miles. Their offspring will make the northward journey in the spring.

This monarch was spotted just south of Door County Wisconsin along the shoreline of Lake Michigan as it made a refueling stop. Just one of billions making the journey that billions have already taken and have yet to take.

Photo info: Taken with a Nikon D60, 55-200mm AF-S Nikkor lens set at 55mm, aperture priority and auto exposure. 1/100 second at f5.6, ISO 100. Click on picture to enlarge. Photograph © 2008 James Jordan.

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