Saturday, November 26, 2005

Painterly photos #3: Baileys Harbor

My watercolor instructor in college looked the part of the artist. Tall, dignified, with white hair and goatee, Harry Worst approached painting with a degree of confidence that I never attained. That’s why I’m taking photographs.

His mantra to his students was “foreground, middleground, background.” He wanted us to remember to place something of interest in each zone of our paintings to give our compositions a sense of depth. I’ve kept Harry’s mantra in mind as I began to make landscape photographs several years ago.

Much of the last weekend in Door County, Wisconsin was dreary and gray and I searched for locations that offered a bit of color to relieve the monotony. Looking out across the harbor from a narrow strip of land, I saw what Harry had told us to look for – the rusty tones of the grasses and texture of the rocks in the foreground, the calm waters and reflection from the point of land in the distance for the middleground and the moody clouds rolling in from the north in the background.

Winter is on its way.

Click on picture to enlarge. Photograph © 2005 James Jordan.


Anonymous said...

Lovely shot. I really like the looming clouds in the background - very stormy :)

engloy said...

Great one, James. This will definitely look good as a big print hanging on the wall :) Wish I had more landscapes in Singapore to take. Almost everywhere, it's buildings and lamp-posts!

Anonymous said...

beautiful. this would be a perfect shot to show how-to take good pics. :)

James said...

Thanks, all!

The thing about the weather here in the midwestern U.S. is that you never know for sure what you're going to get. The first day of this trip called for clouds and it started out wonderfully sunny. the day this was taken was supposed to be sunny and clear. you just have to be flexible, I guess and go with what you're given.